
Honiton Golf Club


Entrant List for OPEN - 3Ball BetterBall Stableford

136 players have been signed up for this competition as of 11:23 AM Saturday 27th July

Andrew Paul ADAMS (Weymouth Golf Club)
David Allen (Came Down)
Martyn Allen (8.5)
Richard Asson (Tiverton Golf Club)
Michael Bagg (17.9)
Steven Bagg (16.6)
Steve Barry (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club)
Peter Binks (15.1)
Matt Bisgrove (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club)
John BISHOP (Weymouth Golf Club)
Caroline Bond (22.6)
Matthew Bond (1.3)
Steve Bond (13.1)
Sam Bowyer-Thornton (7.4)
Steven Bull (Came Down)
Roy Bumpstead (10.1)
Barry Burroughs (17.3)
Thomas Burroughs (18.5)
Tony Burt (Bridport & West Dorset)
Anthony Caines (19.2)
Roger Chadwick (Came Down)
Lee Chudley (The Warren)
Robert Clarke (Tiverton Golf Club)
Andrew Cleal (9.6)
Danny Cleal (7.7)
Paul Coates (6.3)
Darren Corbett (Boringdon Park Golf Club)
Ian Frank CORNICK (Weymouth Golf Club)
Graham Couch (Staddon Heights Golf Club)
Sheila Couch (Staddon Heights Golf Club)
John Court (Tiverton Golf Club)
Steve Crabb (Bridport & West Dorset)
John Craig (18.8)
Patrick Crane (Weymouth Golf Club)
Paul Dimond (13.4)
Terry Dimond (17.9)
Joe Dixon (20.1)
Nicholas Doman (12.9)
Danny Dowell (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club)
MR ANDREW J DRAPER (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club)
Mike Drew (18.4)
Barry Dunn (10.8)
Simon Durrance (14.0)
Wayne Ebdon (The Warren)
Gary Edwardes (Bridport & West Dorset)
Simon David ETHERINGTON (Weymouth Golf Club)
John Evans (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club)
Dave Evely (Boringdon Park Golf Club)
Paul Frampton (Bridport & West Dorset)
Jason Frost (Tiverton Golf Club)
Anthony Griffiths (Sidmouth Golf Club)
Phill Grover (Sidmouth Golf Club)
John Halliday (Boringdon Park Golf Club)
Kevin Harper (Tiverton Golf Club)
Martin Harris (Sidmouth Golf Club)
Steve Harris (24.8)
David Harrop (Weymouth Golf Club)
Martyn Hartley (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club)
Lewis Harvey (7.9)
James HERRING (Weymouth Golf Club)
Paul Hill (16.2)
Andrew Hitchman (The Warren)
Stephen HOARE (Weymouth Golf Club)
Roy Ireland (Tiverton Golf Club)
Ian Jarman (Dainton Park Golf Club)
Russell John Jarman (Tiverton Golf Club)
Shaun Jarman (Dainton Park Golf Club)
Marc Jenkins (Sidmouth Golf Club)
Les Jones (Tiverton Golf Club)
Terry Jones (7.9)
Ashley Kempson (18.4)
Michael Knight (Sidmouth Golf Club)
Callum Lacey (Lyme Regis Golf Club)
Kevin John Lacey (Lyme Regis Golf Club)
Joshua Lane (13.3)
Peter LEGG (Weymouth Golf Club)
Jim Littlefair (Boringdon Park Golf Club)
Richard Marker (16.6)
Warren Massey (Boringdon Park Golf Club)
Ashley Matthews (21.8)
Darren Mccabe (14.8)
Alex McGown (Taunton & Pickeridge Golf Club)
Alison McGown (Taunton & Pickeridge Golf Club)
Ian McGown (Taunton & Pickeridge Golf Club)
Steve Medway (The Warren)
Dan Meek (11.7)
Aldo Melaragni (Ilfracombe Golf Club)
Amanda Jane Melaragni (Ilfracombe Golf Club)
Gary Melvin (Boringdon Park Golf Club)
Timothy Metheringham (23.5)
Jason Milford (Dainton Park Golf Club)
Roger Millett (Tiverton Golf Club)
RF Mitchell (Weymouth Golf Club)
Stuart Mitchell (Tiverton Golf Club)
Jim Mockford (Weymouth Golf Club)
Simon Moore (Sidmouth Golf Club)
Julian Netherway (14.8)
Mark Olliff (16.0)
Oliver Olliff (12.3)
Sam Olliff (6.2)
Tiku Patidar (Sidmouth Golf Club)
Brian John Phillips (Tiverton Golf Club)
Tony Pounder (Yeovil)
Stuart Prince (Bridport & West Dorset)
Edward Reece (13.0)
Dean Reed (Tiverton Golf Club)
Graham Rooms (23.6)
Andrew W Rosewell (Weymouth Golf Club)
John Sargeant (Tiverton Golf Club)
Shane Scott (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club)
Ryan Sellick (8.6)
Alex Simpson (15.7)
Glynn Barry Sims (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club)
Lynda Smith (Staddon Heights Golf Club)
Nigel Smith (Staddon Heights Golf Club)
Robert Southall-Brown (8.6)
Damien Studley (7.7)
Timothy Thornton (17.3)
Samantha Thorpe (Wheathill Golf Club)
Anusara Trayling (11.5)
Gary Trump (22.6)
Chris Vincent (15.5)
Peter Wainwright (19.9)
Fionn Wardrop (Sidmouth Golf Club)
Kym White (16.8)
A P Whitehouse (8.8)
Gill Whitelock (Staddon Heights Golf Club)
John Whitelock (Staddon Heights Golf Club)
Adam Wilkes (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club)
Michael Wilkes (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club)
Sean Wilkes (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club)
Robert Willey (17.7)
Mike Williams (15.1)
David Wills (8.9)
Jean Wills (Ilfracombe Golf Club)
David Woodroffe (Bridport & West Dorset)

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